Butte College still has open classes in subjects such as history, music, English, anthropology, health, sociology, art, business, and many more.
There are also open technical courses in multimedia production, computers, desktop publishing, drafting, nutrition and early childhood education.
To view all classes available click the Search for Classes quick link on the homepage at edwo.corporatefilmfest.com. Students can search by Term, Subject, Course Number, Location, Instructor's Last Name, and more. All students register online via MyBC which is accessible from edwo.corporatefilmfest.com.
New students and those without a user name and password must first apply for admission to the college before registering for classes. New students will register during Orientation. If you are not required to attend orientation then see the class schedule, MyBC or edwo.corporatefilmfest.com/admissions for "Times to Register."
To access the online admission application from the website homepage, click the Apply Now/Get Started link, and then click on the Apply Now link.
The enrollment fee for California residents is $46 a unit, with a typical three-unit class costs $138, plus minimal student fees. New students may have enrollment activities to complete prior to registering for classes. For assessment testing, dates and times of testing, and a complete list of exemptions to assessment, please call Butte College Assessment at 895-2350. For more online registration information, go to the Butte College home page and click on Search for Classes quick link, then Class Schedule PDF and then 2015 Winter-Spring informational pages.