The Butte College Associated Students, Sustainability Resource Center (SRC) will host Food Day: Diversity, Culture, and Scale of Production, on February 17 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. in the Butte College Center for Excellence at the main campus, 3536 Butte Campus Drive. This event is designed to bring students, faculty, and staff together to learn and assess our current food system. The most important ingredient of Food Day will be you, so please join us for one of the following presentations:
Butte College Talks Food
February 17 from 12:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. in the Center for Excellence Flex #660.21
Join us as Butte College Professors come together, in TED Talk style, to discuss the diversity, culture, and scale of our global food production. In true TED Talk form, each powerful presentation will be 20 minutes or less.
Culture Behind Food with Ayse Taskiran
A look at how cultures are affected by mechanized and subsidized agriculture.
Hunger Issues: Threats to Rural Communities of Production with Bruce Hicks
As global population grows and land becomes less arable, what food production threats will exist by the year 2050?
Climate Change and the Impact to Our Food System with Shahroukh Mistry
A look at how climate change will affect populations and ecosystems in the future.
North Valley Food Hub: Moving Local Food from Field to Market with Noel Ferdon
February 17 from 2 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. in the Center for Excellence Flex # 660.22
North Valley Food Hub Director, Noel Ferdon, will present on issues facing local small or medium farms.
The North Valley region boasts just over 5,000 farms, 75% of which fit the USDA's classification of small or medium-sized. "Ag of the middle farms" face unique barriers to growth and profitability; many are too big for only direct markets but too small to meet the demands of wholesale food distribution networks. The North Valley Food Hub (NVFH), an online marketplace designed to expand existing local food markets and create new opportunities for wholesale food buyers and growers in California's North Valley, was born out of five years of targeted activity in the North Valley region aimed at developing a vibrant and productive local food system. Ag of the middle farms are key to continued growth of local food systems, and the North Valley Food Hub was launched to help facilitate markets that improve profitability and resiliency for our region's growers.
For more information about this event or the SRC please contact Katrina Djberof with the Butte College Associated Students Sustainability Resource Center at (530) 879-6145 or email